
Periscope has proven to be a revolutionary broadcast live streaming. To give viewers the best possible periscope live video quality, scoopers need a reliable live broadcasting solution. Among the best solutions is Freedocast. Why should you use this? Here are the top benefits you stand to gain.
benefits of live streaming to periscope using freedocast

High Definition Video

Your devices will be able to stream HD quality videos. With the Freedocast app you can select HD video quality or any other quality depending
on what you want.

Fluid streaming

The device supports Ethernet and Wi-Fi and with this live
streaming an event is made easy and fast without issues. Viewers get to enjoy
your videos more and you will get more hearts and positive feedback.

Archive videos

With this option, users can archive videos that they have
streamed. They can access them later and even viewers who missed it can watch
the periscope streaming later on.

Restrict your audience

Freedocast gives you the freedom to choose the people who
can view your broadcast live stream. Just set a password and share it with the
people you would like to give streaming access to.

Earn with pay per view option

Scoopers can make money by charging pay per view for live
video broadcast. This is a great tool to use to monetize on seminars and
webinars among other online gatherings.

Self Branding

You can come up with your own logo and add it to the live stream you are broadcasting.

Block users based on location

You can restrict the locations from which your periscope
live video can be seen. With geo blocking you will not have an audience who do
not add value to you viewing your videos.

Integrate ads

Advertisements can be integrated to the videos you make
helping increase the traffic to your website or you can make money advertising
your affiliates.


The service Freedocast offers is very affordable costing as low
as $20 per month. At such an affordable price you will get an RTMP decoder
setup, embedded URL, branding, and email and call support to name but a few.


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